The Flagship verse of The Holy Bible spoken by Jesus Christ, my Saviour and Lord to a Religious but Lost Pharisee one night was "For God so Loved the WORLD, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever Believeth In Him should not Perish, but have Everlasting Life John 3:16 KJV....John 3:16 is God's promise to our first parents in The Garden of Eden, after their fall into Sin. God said to Satan who was disguised as a serpent; "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel Genesis 3:15 KJV." JOHN 3:16 is the most Hated Bible Verse in The Holy Bible. Almighty God has laid upon my heart to put up Billboards across the Entire United States; Save America First-Evangelize The WORLD JOHN 3:16 Boldly displayed for all who pass by to SEE!! Billions of Lost Souls can be Saved by believing on the finished Work of Jesus Christ, my Saviour and Lord... Atheists, Cults, Liberals and Muslims hate JOHN 3:16. I am calling on Born-Again Blood Washed Believers to lend their Support to my efforts to place "Save America First-Evangelize The WORLD JOHN 3:16 Billboards across the United States. Billions of Lost Souls can be SAVED.
Will You HELP? America Can Be SAVED.
--Pastor George Lucas Save America First-Evangelize The WORLD JOHN 3:16